Recent paper: Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria

Sipos G, Prasanna A.N., Walter M.C., O’Connor E., Bálint B., Krizsán K., Kiss B., Hess J., Varga T., Slot J., Riley R., Bóka B., Rigling D., Barry K., Lee J., Mihaltcheva S., LaButti K., Lipzen A., Waldron R., Moloney N.M., Sperisen C., Kredics L., Vágvölgyi C., Patrignani A., Fitzpatrick D., Nagy I., Doyle S., Anderson J., Grigoriev I.V., Güldener U., Münsterkötter M., Nagy L.G.  (2017) Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1(12):1931-1941

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